
At Loughborough Primary School, we have a strong culture of safeguarding supported by strong systems.

We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, staff and visitors and to promoting a culture in which everyone feels confident about sharing any and all concerns they may have about their own safety and well-being or the safety and well-being of others.

Our Safeguarding team

Deputy Headteacher

Our quick guide to safeguarding

Graziella Williams (Headteacher) is the safeguarding lead. You can find her on the school gate every morning and afternoon. If it is an emergency please call the school on 020 7274 8374 or emailing FAO Safeguarding to  with your concern and a safeguarding lead will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also contact Lambeth Council's Safeguarding team by visiting:

The Safeguarding Policy is applicable to all on- and off-site activities undertaken by children while they are the responsibility of our school. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. This includes:

●       Teachers 

●       Teaching/Learning  Support assistants 

●       Technicians 

●       Administrative  staff 

●       Supply  teachers/Cover supervisors 

●       Students 

●       Peripatetic  staff

●       Catering  and cleaning staff 

●       Premises  staff 

●       Midday  supervisors 

●       Visitors/volunteers 

●       Adult  helpers 

●       Local  Governors 

●       Trustees 

You should report any concerns you have about members of staff to the headteacher. If the concern is about the headteacher you should report it to the chair of governors.

All staff have a legal responsibility to act on any safeguarding concerns that they have. That means that if your child makes a disclosure, staff must act upon it. Often we will talk to your child to find out a little more about what they have said or what has been observed and we may then contact you to discuss the disclosure or concern.

Contact any member of staff as soon as you can. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility so if you have any concern no matter how small speak to a member of our staff.