Being safe online

How we support being safe online

At Loughborough we work with staff, pupils and parents / carers to create a school community which values the use of new technologies in enhancing learning, encourages responsible use of ICT, and follows agreed policies to minimise potential e-safety risks. Online Safety is taught through both our PSHE and Computing Curriculum.

It is important that you talk to your child about online safety as they are likely to be using a wide range of technologies in their home environments, even before they start school. It is not always easy to know where to start and we've put together a guide to online safety which you can explore below. Below are also some useful resources and advice from organisations to support.

Useful links and resources


Talking to your child about online safety

BBC Online Safety
How to stay safe when you are online and links to lots of useful sites about online safety.

Parents and Carers - Have a Conversation about online safety


Online Safety Resources

A fun place to learn about internet safety.

Don’t Be In The Dark
Part of Disney’s website. Safe surfing advice for kids, and parents too, presented in a fun way.

Get Safe Online
Online safety advice

Lots of useful information, games and activities to help you learn and practice your online safety skills. (There are areas for parents and teachers too).

Simple advice and links to further advice on the Internet Safety Zone. This is part of the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre). There are sections for different age groups and for parents and teachers.

Our guide to online safety

Most popular social media services don’t allow anyone under 13 to join. Even so, lots of younger children manage to set up accounts. It’s hard to get reliable information on just how many underage users are on social media, but one study estimated that over a third of UK nine-to-12-year-olds have a Facebook profile. 

Find out more here

For useful advice please click here

To read these useful tips

TikTok – InformationSheet

Child safety on YouTube – Parent factsheet – Keeping Children Safein Education – Protecting Your Children From Online Abuse

Searching the internet is a daily activity and Google is often the first port of call for homework, shopping and finding answers to any questions.

Click here to find out more

  • 31% of parents of children whosephone can be used to go online have put filters in place. 
  • One in five 12-15 year-olds know how to disable online filters.
  • Half of all parents think their child knows more about the internet than they do.
  • Half of children aged 12-15 use the internet on their own most of the time.
  • One in five 12-15 year-olds say they have seen something in the past year that is worrying, nasty or offensive.
  • One in five internet users aged 12 to 15 deleted the record of the websites they had visited.
  • More than two in five parents say they talk to their child at least monthly about the websites they have visited.

Since 2012, age ratings for video games have been compulsory in the United Kingdom. These ratings are set by an organisation called Pan European Game Information, usually known as PEGI, and they are a useful tool for parents trying to decide whether a game is right for their children - but they're not the same as film ratings, so what exactly do they mean READ MORE HERE


If you want to report something you or your child are worried about online please CLICK HERE

If you have any concerns or would like to know more please contact the Safeguarding Team at school.