Years 3 -6

Key Stage 2 is a time of growth and preparation for the next stage of education. Children gain deeper knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and begin to take greater responsibility for their learning.

What your child will learn

In Key Stage 2, children build on the knowledge and skills developed in Key Stage 1, deepening their understanding across a variety of subjects. They go on termly trips that serve as either an introduction to new topics or as opportunities to apply their learning in real-world settings beyond the classroom. These trips include visits to the Science Museum, the Imperial War Museum, and London Zoo.

In Literacy, children study more advanced writing skills, including a broader range of literature, writing for different purposes, and mastering grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The texts are carefully chosen to reflect the diversity of Loughborough Primary School, and pupil voice plays a key role in planning to ensure high engagement. This approach helps children see themselves represented in literature, with texts like Windrush Child, Hidden Figures, and Ways to Make Sun Shine.

In Mathematics, students deepen their understanding of the four operations and formal written methods, while also expanding their knowledge of fractions, measurement, and geometry. They enhance their reasoning and problem-solving skills, with an emphasis on "thinking like a mathematician" in lessons.

Science topics become more detailed, with investigations into forces, the human body, habitats, and the solar system. Thanks to our successful partnership with the Ogden Trust, we have a Phizz Lab where students can apply their "Working Scientifically" skills. In the lab, children step into the role of scientists, conducting practical investigations that prepare them for secondary school and potential future careers.

All children in Key Stage 2 learn to play the ukulele as part of the music curriculum, developing their understanding of musical notation, chord structures, and melodic composition.

Throughout Key Stage 2, students are encouraged to develop independent learning skills, teamwork, and resilience, which prepare them for the transition to secondary school. At the same time, they continue to build confidence and curiosity in all areas of learning.

Home work

In Key Stage 2, homework supports students in building on their skills and knowledge, while encouraging responsibility and independent learning. Reading is set daily, and reading records are checked three times a week. Children in KS2 are encouraged to complete their records independently and summarise key information from the text. Weekly challenges are set on Times Table Rockstars, as we recognise the importance of times tables, which underpin many KS2 maths topics. Weekly spellings are also sent home, aligned with the spelling rule taught in school that week. Occasionally, homework extends beyond the curriculum to help develop children's cultural capital, such as research for Black History Month or investigations for Science Week.

Two children climbing a climbing wall

Creative Arts

Creative Arts continue to thrive in KS2 with opportunities to refine artistic techniques, create collaborative projects, and study influential artists. Music lessons introduce composition, performance, and digital music tools. Drama activities encourage children to write and perform plays, fostering teamwork and confidence. The annual school production is a highlight of this phase, showcasing their talents to the community.

Beyond the classroom

In KS2, children embark on more adventurous trips, including residential visits that promote independence and teamwork. Educational excursions to museums, galleries, and science centres link directly to the curriculum. Partnerships with local businesses and organisations provide workshops on coding, engineering, and environmental sustainability, connecting classroom learning to the wider world.

How you can help your child

In KS2, children embark on more adventurous trips, including residential visits that promote independence and teamwork. Educational excursions to museums, galleries, and science centres link directly to the curriculum. Partnerships with local businesses and organisations provide workshops on coding, engineering, and environmental sustainability, connecting classroom learning to the wider world.

Our team

The Belham employs only the very best individuals who enjoy working with children and bring out the best in them and in their colleagues.

We employ specialists alongside our core staff where most appropriate, for example to support special needs, and develop skills in music and sport.

Our Facilities

All classrooms are well-equipped and spaces within the building tailored for specialised activities such as cookery and music. We invest in the latest technology and fill shared spaces with stimulating learning displays and artefacts. 

Outdoor play spaces include a hardcourt playground and roof-top garden, and we are currently developing the laneway at the front of the school to become a growing and planting area. We have exclusive use of the Latter Rain Church garden at Copleston Road for outdoor learning and play. Children are regularly taken toWarwick Gardens and other local green spaces.

Community Links

The school  site is at the heart of a creative, passionate and rapidly evolving  community. The community should and will influence what is taught and how it  is taught.

We draw on the incredible talents and experiences of local people,  bringing learning to life with the help of artists, writers, scientists and  other professionals, and building links with local organisations. ​

Our vision is to provide a building which is not only an inspirational educational space, but can also be opened up to the community outside school hours. The central hall, some of our indoor spaces and outdoor areas are accessible in the evenings and at weekends for local people to use in a variety of ways, from exercise classes to exhibitions and public meetings.